• Making your vision come true,
    that's what we do.

Construction Management

Construction Management offers the owner the opportunity to engage their architect and builder simultaneously. This promotes collaboration between design and construction that leads to a design that is free of “scope gaps” and is ultimately more constructible. Under this delivery model contractors typically work under a percentage fee, fixed fee, cost-plus, or guaranteed maximum price arrangement. Our Experience We manage these types of projects by utilizing our comprehensive project management systems for design assist, cost, schedule, productivity, safety, environmental protection, quality, communications, coordination and stakeholder input.

Design – Bid – Build

The Design-Bid-Build model is one of the more traditional delivery models with few advantages and provides the highest risk profile to owners. One advantage to Design-Bid-Build contracts is that they offer design freedom, as owners hire and work with their desired architects. In addition, they get to hold a multi-bidder competitive selection process that is based on lowest cost. However, since the design phase does not involve contractors, it eliminates the opportunity for constructability input, continual budget updates, value-engineering, and the vetting of design documents. This increases the chance of change orders, cost overruns, and blown schedules.
Our Experience
Our advantage is experience and local knowledge. We’ve completed many of projects under this delivery model and our success can be attributed, in part, to a decentralized management style; that has area offices distributed across Cairo, and other cities. Each area office has local builders and estimators who have accurate and competitive knowledge of the local labour force, material suppliers, subcontractors and other factors which affect their market conditions. This allows us to bid competitively and build successfully.

Design – Build

This is the oldest and best tested of the delivery models, and it relies on the person designing your project also knowing how to build it. Today, projects are infinitely more complex and no one person can understand everything involved in the design and construction phases, but client demand for a low-risk delivery contract revived master-builder as design-build. At the contract’s core is the requirement that a single entity be placed in charge of (and responsible for) a project’s design and construction. This single point of responsibility gives clients a clear line of sight between problems and solutions.
Our Experience
Our design-build experience is second to none. We consider our design-build department a center of excellence (an official designation for us) and their expertise and authority extends across all our areas and construction sectors. The design-build delivery model is as old as the construction industry and we’re doing everything we can to honor its tradition and give the world a new generation of master-builders

Integrated Projects Delivery (IPD)

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is a powerful delivery model because it upends the often adversarial relationship between the project owner, general contractor, and architect. In most contracts the financial goals between these parties conflict and what’s good for the owner hurts the architect’s bottom line and bigger architectural profits leave the general contractor in danger of coming out in the red. Competition can bring out the best in people but it makes little sense to compete over the same resources needed to deliver a great project. IPD addresses this by synchronizing everyone’s goals. The contract increases profit margins for everyone when the owner saves money and decreases them when the owner loses money. The delivery model’s system of goal-sharing also encourages everyone to take a seat at the development, construction, and post-construction table. The whole team wins by using their combined expertise to save time and money while also building a project that surpasses the client’s original goals.